Monday, April 17, 2017

Monkey Around with PicMonkey

This is a follow-on to the previous post on Where to Find Free Images.  So what do you do after finding an image?  You could use it as is, or PhotoShop it, if you own Adobe PhotoShop and know how to use it.

PicMonkey has been my easy-to-use alternative to PhotoShop.  It is free (with an option to pay for premium features), it is online (i.e. no program to download), and it is easy to use.

Here is an example of my dog Sammi processed through an iPad app called PhotoSketch and put together into a collage using PicMonkey.  I also tried the "Comic Heroes Sketch" effect in PicMonkey for a new profile photo.

PhotoSketch for sketch effects and PicMonkey for collage
PhotoSketch (an iPad app) created the sketch effects and PicMonkey created the collage

PicMonkey "Comic Heroes Sketch" Effect

Where to Find Free Images

It's true that a [good] picture is worth a thousand words.  Especially in this digital age where everyone carries a digital camera, captures and posts online everything from a cup of latte to a newly hatched white tern.  Too much black and white text is a certain invitation to yawns and a promise to oneself that "I'll read this later."  But give them beautiful, high-definition, relevant images and they may be intrigued and motivated to find out more.

Did you know that there is an abundance of good-quality free images online?  Two favorite websites that we use often are:
  1. Pixabay
  2. Unsplash
But there are many more.  Most sites do not even ask for credit.  Browse through the websites below.  Hope you find what you are looking for!